Earth Speaks, We Listen!
Earth Mama Design, founded and operated by
Tonia Andreina, works to embody "sustainable" awe-inspiring landscaping while establishing
living oases for you, native pollinators, local wildlife and even the Fae.
But what does "sustainable" mean, anyway?
It's simple.
(E)nvironmentally (A)ware landscaping that (R)estores, (T)hrives, and (H)eals.
Specifically, we are Environmentally-Aware in our approach to solution-based design. Whether you have issues with flooding or a garden that just won't grow, Earth Mama Design thinks and designs around environmental factors unique to your space.
We Restore ecosystems in turmoil, one small patch of earth at a time, to support endangered species and local wildlife critical to our collective well-being. We also source plant-based inputs and local supplies of animal sourced inputs whenever possible as a way of reducing participation in large scale animal agriculture systems (i.e. CAFO's) that harm not only animals, but the environment and ultimately people.
We combine proven design principles and planting techniques with innovative artistry while boosting beneficial microorganisms in your soil to produce landscapes that Thrive.
We Heal whatever patch of earth we work on, without the addition of harmful chemicals so prolific in the landscaping industry. We also like to think our gardens support the healing of people's souls (and the soul of Mother Earth) in the process.
Permaculture is a buzzy word these days. If you haven't done your research on it, it can also be a very confusing word.
Earth Mama Design defines permaculture as:
"gardening with the Earth, not against it."
Our designs use permacultural concepts and techniques such as: planting in the 7 layers of a forest; establishing sustainable pollinator food sources; diversifying species while landscaping; retaining natural water sources; and nutrient cycling (i.e. keeping organic material on site instead of throwing it in a landfill somewhere).
Earth Mama Design has high standards. That means we strive to exceed your standards by creating sustainable gardens that directly reflect your values and your desired use of the space. Our landscaping responds directly to problems unique to your space. We implement functionality and innovative solutions, camouflaged as gorgeous flowers and awe-inspiring nooks.
Before Earth Mama... In this garden, the clients were experiencing issues with flooding along the inner walk way and their plants kept dying.
Using what we've assessed as the best soil and compost amendments available on the market and by educating clients on best practices, we boosted soil fertility...
We also found a source of great detriment to this landscape -- grubs! And treated them organically using beneficial nematodes. All while creating habitat for other beneficial insects (such as ladybugs) to thrive. Part of attracting beneficial species into your garden involves planting good host plants, like Sweet Woodruff shown here.
We brought in a locally-sourced rock boarder to add height, boost soil holding capacity and add more plant dimension to the landscape. Not to mention, to solve that pesky flooding issue by boosting water absorption across the entire perimeter of the garden pathway.
We used permaculture principles by adding different layers to this landscape like vines, which had multiple functions such as blocking these ugly electrical boxes. Also, this mound (pictured) is actually part sod, part compost! The area that was previously covered in sod was tore up, but instead of throwing it in a landfill, we turned it into added dimension! Permaculture is awesome...
The garden (and clients) spoke to us, and we listened. The result? An urban oasis hidden alongside an alley. Who would have thought such an infertile, flood-prone hostile environment could be home to such a magical, holistically-designed space? Using good landscape design, permaculture and listening ears, we found a solution of the highest good that serves people, pollinators and the larger environment.
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